Vostok(Wostok) Uhr Amphibian Klassik 120849

Preis: $133 $140

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Add strap 18mm.:

Mechanische Uhr Wostok Amphibian Klassik 120849. Vostok 2416 Automatikwerk. Diese Uhr hat sowohl eine Handaufzug als auch eine Automatikaufzug. Verschraubte Krone (Stahl). Wasserbeständigkeit 20 atm (200 Meter) - d. H. Kann zum Tauchen verwendet werden. Im Set: Uhr, Reisepass für ein Produkt, klassische Einzelverpackung aus Kunststoff oder Kartonverpackung. Produktion der JSC Chistopol Uhrenfabrik Wostok (Russland). 1 Jahr Garantie. Lebensdauer 10 Jahre. Das Gehäuse besteht aus hochwertigem Edelstahl.

Produzent CJSC Chistopol Uhrenfabrik "VOSTOK"
Guarantee Vostok Factory 1 year guarantee
Case width approx., mm. 41
Case depth approx., mm 15
Lug to lug size, mm. 46
Case material Stainless Steel
Bezel material Stainless steel
Lens Plastic, antique type
Water Resistant 200 meters
Strap type Silicon strap
Strap width 18
Movement 2416
Automatic winding Yes
Manual winding Yes
Jewels 31
Accuracy -20 +60 sec/day
Power reserve (hours) Totally wound watches run not less than 31 hrs.
Average term of service 10 years

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Arjun An 21.10.2021
Based on 25 reviews.

When will the product become available? thank you, great piece.

text_answer It’s unknown.
meranom customer An 05.06.2021
Based on 25 reviews.

Reliable solid watch, great classic look.


People get confused while changing the date but it is really simple and fast to do that. Here is a YouTube link let's see how simple and fast is changing the date. https://youtu.be/TZ5T_0ZzC80
Душан из Сербии An 27.04.2021
Based on 25 reviews.

Качество. Дизайн циферблата.

Только отсутствие положения заводной головки для быстрой установки даты.

Если Дмитрий не имеет ничего против, то вот ссылка на мой обзор часов:
Влад An 03.04.2021
Based on 25 reviews.

Будут ли еще в продаже? Когда?

text_answer Надеемся, что будут.
Иво Банчев An 15.02.2021
Based on 25 reviews.

Здравствуйте! Подойдет ли черный безель с именами городов на ети часы?

text_answer Здравствуйте.
Александр An 14.01.2021
Based on 25 reviews.

Цена, дизайн, калибр собственного производства, точность хода.

Почти сразу пришлось снимать безель и подгибать пружинку потому, что безель перестал вращаться.

Замечательные часы!!! Очень лаконичный и строгий дизайн. Со стальным браслетом ,купленным здесь же , смотрится бомбически!!
Особенно радует, что этот часовой завод с полным циклом - выжил и производит такие прекрасные часы. Ну и конечно же цена)))))
cpc An 02.01.2021
Based on 25 reviews.

+ Dial Looks great! It's a slightly sunburst silver with crisp
dark and even black printing. Looks much better in person than in photo.
+ blue on hands looks fantastic. Overall there's lots of lume on the hands and they are cut out cleanly and well finished.

- Lume is not evenly/accurately applied in all places. Not noticeable at a distance and within margin of error for a watch at this price.
- Case polishing is a bit cheap and the shape is a bit weird, but you know that when you order it it.
- Included rubber strap is very long, but okay quality. Even on smallest hole it is slightly too large for my 6.75" wrist.
- Date window is slightly too large and from some angles you can see black portion of datewheel/inside of the case.

It's an inexpensive watch but it looks great, particularly with a different bezel. Overall very legible, fun watch that runs well.
Dial is very crisp in person and looks much better than photos. Slight sunburst silver dial with crisp black printing.
Would be a much better case with a 20mm lug width.
Arnaud Meert An 30.11.2020
Based on 25 reviews.

Fantastic quality and price

Strap is made for very large wrists, had to switch out straps so I could wear the watch

What a perfect watch.. it ticks all the boxes and now I can gladly send my Breitling for repair and have a decent substitute on the wrist. To be honest, this kind of quality reminds me of my Colt.
Jeffrey Brown An 27.11.2020
Based on 25 reviews.

Got this watch and I love it. It looks even better in real life than it does in the photo. It is so pretty; I have never seen anything look so good outside of $7,000 Grand Seikos. And it works so well. It is accurate to less than 10 seconds a day. And the engineering is so good. I notice the latest Rolex that goes to 3,900 metres has a "ring lock system". Same system as Vostock had since 1967.
Bala Subramanyam An 19.11.2020
Based on 25 reviews.

Brilliant watch. Amazing service. They even changed the strap to Blue on my request.
Shipped with Russian post. It took 50 days to reach India. Tracked on every step.


Highly recommended. I wish I could upload the picture with a blue strap. Its amazing.
Tommaso An 11.10.2020
Based on 25 reviews.

I'm about to take it, has anyone used it at sea? Did you have any problems immediately? Thank you.

text_answer Everything should be fine if you screw the crown properly and rinse the watch after sea.
Piotr An 05.10.2020
Based on 25 reviews.

A very nice watch. The dial is really beautiful. A decent belt. The bezel is easy to replace. Shipping to Poland just over 3 weeks.
Расул An 18.09.2020
Based on 25 reviews.

Циферблат на данных часах сэндвич, либо накладные метки, на фото не видно.

text_answer Индексы на циферблате напечатаны.
Adam S. An 29.08.2020
Based on 25 reviews.

The case is very solidly constructed, the strap is comfortable, and the dial is a beautiful sunburst silver color.

Setting the date/time was a bit tricky and confusing at first as it is a bit different to other watches, but I know that's just one of the quirks of an Amfibia!

A great first Vostok watch for me! Beautiful dial and solidly constructed. The quality control seems really good. Shipping to Canada via UPS was well worth the extra few dollars and took less than 2 weeks!
Márton An 28.08.2020
Based on 25 reviews.

The dial's color is gourgeuos, much better than the picture. Simple, but reliable movement. Great value for the money!

There are a few drawbacks: as one of the reviewers mentioned, the lug to lug is longer than 46mm. The lume is average. But for me the biggest negative is that the glass is really easy to scratch.

Despite I was a bit critique above, I really love my 120849. I think it's a really likeable piece. There are a few minor drawbacks (lume and I would be glad if it would be smaller a bit) and a major one (which is the scratchable crystal, but you can buy Polywatch or another glass).
Anyway I really recommend this watch!
Tijana An 22.05.2020
Based on 25 reviews.

Hi there! Is there any information when will this model be in stok?

text_answer Hello.
No info at the moment.
Олег An 26.03.2020
Based on 25 reviews.

Здравствуйте! Скажите, пожалуйста, когда появятся?

text_answer Здравствуйте.
Carlos Andrés An 18.01.2020
Based on 25 reviews.

Most beautiful dial!

Actually the lug-to-lug size is bigger than describe (48mm)

Can I get that dial without date window?

text_answer No.
Гордеев Сергей An 28.02.2019
Based on 25 reviews.

Скажите, есть ли возможность купить такой цифер, но без окна даты, как у модели
для механизма 2415 ?

text_answer Нет.
MrW An 15.01.2019
Based on 25 reviews.



Hi! This dial fits on a 710 case?

text_answer Hi.
Asd An 15.01.2019
Based on 25 reviews.



The color of the dial is silver?

text_answer Hi.
Петр An 25.12.2018
Based on 25 reviews.

Здравствуйте! Подарили такие часы (новые) на днях. Практически не вращается безель на в ту, ни в другую стороны...Нужно ли что-нибудь капнуть под него типа машинного масла? или со временем "разработается"?

text_answer Здравствуйте.
«Разработаться» вряд ли сможет. Постоянно же вы его не будете вращать.
Вадим An 17.12.2017
Based on 25 reviews.

такой цифер можно у вас купить?

text_answer Можно.
Nam An 07.09.2017
Based on 25 reviews.

Can I order this dial model (849) in a 420 case ?If I can, please tell me how to do that.

text_answer You can.
You need to buy the watch
The case
Pay for swapping
Raplaced case will be shipped to you as well.
Vladimir An 10.07.2017
Based on 25 reviews.

Excellent new watch with a charm of a vintage one !

In my opinion, black , vintage style , matte bezel with matching to the dial color numerals on it ,would be more appropriate. However, looks great with existing bezel too. It is a matter of taste, of course.

Excellent new watch with a charm of a vintage one !
Fast shipping to New York, delivered to the door with signature confirmation ! 5 stars! Great job !

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