Vostok relojes Komandirskie Clásico 431171

Precio: $81 $85

Opciones disponibles

Add strap 18mm.:
Vostok relojes Ruso Komandirskie Clásico 431171 se pueden comprar en el minorista oficial de Vostok Watch-Makers Inc
Productor Fábrica de relojes CJSC Chistopol "VOSTOK"
Guarantee Vostok Factory 1 year guarantee
Case material Brass, chrome plating
Caseback Acero inoxidable
Lens Plastic, antique type
Water Resistant 20 meters
Strap type Geniune leather strap
Strap width 18
Movement 2414A
Automatic winding No
Manual winding Yes
Jewels 17
Accuracy -20 +60 sec/day
Power reserve (hours) Totally wound watches run not less than 36 hrs.
Average term of service 10 years

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Равиль en 16/11/2019
Based on 4 reviews.

Подскажите, у этого механизма также срывает заводную пружину с заводного барабана или данный дефект устранен? Имею несколько Командирских, выпущенных до 2009 года, во всех сорвало заводную пружину и из-за этого невозможно полностью завести часы!

text_answer Заводная пружина срывается только если достигнув конца заводки продолжать вращать головку.
Remco en 19/07/2018
Based on 4 reviews.


Only had a little problem getting the watch to tick over first time winding and setting time.
Very thin lined numbers on date ring. Hard to read.

I had the expectation that I had to throw away all expectations when I bought this watch.
But after a week of wearing it found a way to my heart.
Very accurate timekeeping (around one to three seconds a day), far beter than any other mechanical watch I owned to date.
Dial is well done. The white paint is even with no dust or blemishes.
Only had a problem getting the watch to start after I wound it for the first time and set the time for the first time. Took just a little tap on the glass to get it going. Since then it ran without problems.
I find this model very comfortable to wear (with brown leather NATO strap). Strap that came with it I used for a day. I didn't change the strap because of poor quality but because I personally don't like black leather straps.
Delivery was quicker than expected and handled really well.
Think my next watch will be another Vostok.
Nikola en 06/06/2018
Based on 4 reviews.



I see that some 431 cases have flat bezels (like https://meranom.com/en/komandirskie-classic/43/vostok-watch-komandirskie-431928.html). Is there a possibility to order this watch with that bezel or it must be changed additionaly?

text_answer Hi.
I must be changed additionally.
Алексей en 26/10/2016
Based on 4 reviews.

Хороший дизайн и вес, низкая цена, водозащита.

Часы отличаются от того, что здесь изображено: в моих покрытие хром и более плоский безель, выглядят так часы да ещё с таким циферблатом намного лучше.

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