Orologi Vostok Amphibian Classic 420289

Prezzo: $119 $125

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Orologio meccanico Vostok Amphibian Classic 420289. Vostok 2416 movimento automatico. Questo orologio ha sia un carica manuale che un carica automatica. Corona a vite (acciaio). Impermeabilità 20 atm (200 metri) - cioè può essere utilizzato per le immersioni. In un set: orologio, passaporto per un prodotto, confezione singola in plastica classica o confezione in cartone. Produzione della fabbrica di orologi Jist Chistopol Vostok (Russia). 1 anno di garanzia. Vita utile 10 anni. La cassa è realizzata in acciaio inossidabile di alta qualità.

fabbricante ЗАО Чистопольский Часовой Завод "ВОСТОК"
Garanzia 1 год, предоставляется заводом-изготовителем.
Larghezza cassa, mm 39
Spessore della cassa, mm 15
Lunghezza (dalle zampe alle zampe) mm. 46
alloggiamento Нержавеющая сталь
Bezel Нержавеющая сталь
Bicchiere Оргстекло, выпуклое
Impermeabile fino a: 200 м.
Cinghia Stainless steel bracelet
Larghezza di banda: 18
Meccanismo 2416
Carica automatica Есть
Carica manuale Есть
Numero di pietre 31
Precisione ad una temperatura di 20 ± 5 ° C -20 +60 сек/сут.
Power reserve (hours) 31 час
Tutta la vita 10 лет

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Enrico Acceso 14/04/2023
Based on 12 reviews.

Bellissimo orologio e negozio Meranom perfetto.
Владислав Acceso 03/02/2022
Based on 12 reviews.

Здравствуйте. Возможна ли установка циферблата от командирских 819471 при покупке данных часов?

Часы отличные

Недостатков не обнаружено

text_answer Здравствуйте.
Нет, к сожалению.
Gerhard Schreurs Acceso 15/10/2021
Based on 12 reviews.

All the good things have stayed the same, all the bad things have been improved. The stainless steel case is meticulous, the finishing has much improved compared to the classic brass chrome plated cases, and the steel ones are also much better corrosion resistant. The standard bracelet on classic Amphibia models has also been replaced by a well finished and heavier version.

Nothing i can think of

Vostok watches were exported to Western Europe from the late 70's on. During the 80''s and early 90's, i have bought several Vostok Komandirskie and Amphibia watches in several shops in Amsterdam. They still work fine, all of them. One of them had the exact same blue gradient Komandirskie dial design with the submarine and seagull. The blue getting darker while going down perfectly mimicks depth. How nice to see this design again on a new watch, seeing for myself that it hasn't changed! I drink to the health of the people in Chistopol, keeping up the manufacture of classic Vostok style watches that we all love so much. And, of course, there was again the excellent Meranom service. Careful packaging, speedy shipment, excellent communication. Thank you once again!
Wojciech Acceso 04/05/2020
Based on 12 reviews.



Hello, when will this watch be available again?

text_answer Hello.
We hope that soon.
LL2 Acceso 08/02/2020
Based on 12 reviews.



Can this watch be worn in the following environments:
- submerged in chlorine swimming pool
-submerged in ocean
-submerged in hot tub
Thank you.

text_answer Hello.
William Acceso 09/10/2019
Based on 12 reviews.

This is a beautiful little 200M rated diver's watch with a great solid 2416 Vostok movement inside.


As a first time Meranom customer I am very happy with this watch and I tried to give it a 5 star rating but for some unknown reason the website would only allow me to enter a 4 star rating for it.
Jonathan Acceso 18/03/2018
Based on 12 reviews.

The Cyrillic text underneath the submarine translates to what in English?

text_answer It’s brand name:
Командирские – Komandirskie.
It might be translated Commander’s watch
Angelo Acceso 13/01/2018
Based on 12 reviews.

Stunning dial
Accurate movement

Bracelet a little bit hard to adjust

Very strong watch, with beautiful dial with stunning reflections when hit by the sun, accurate movement (after a little adjustment): around +2sec/day!
Максим Acceso 20/11/2017
Based on 12 reviews.

Скажите пожалуйста, а отдельно такой циферблат можно приобрести?

text_answer Можно.
Добавляйте в корзину https://meranom.com/ru/amphibian-classic/spare-parts/vostok-watch-any-watch-dial.html
В комментариях укажите что нужен 289 вариант.
KO Z Acceso 22/05/2017
Based on 12 reviews.

Very unique dial color. I thought it was blue only but it is actually 2 tone under certain lighting. Reminds me of the Russian flag.


I was expecting a blue dial watch. But the dial is actually blue at the bottom, and it fades into a silvery grey near the top. It definitely looks different and is very nice.
I like this watch very much, even the bracelet.
Thanks to Meranom for the quick shipping and prompt answers to my queries.
Victor Acceso 30/07/2016
Based on 12 reviews.

Hi, is the dial of this watch metallic sunburst texture or is it matte painted?

text_answer Hi. It is sunburst.
Вадим Acceso 30/08/2012
Based on 12 reviews.

Ношу всего месяц , весь экран уже зацарапан , пришлось купить специальную пленку , а перед ее наклейкой , отполировать пастой , а в остальном часы прелестны =)

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