Orologi Vostok Amphibian Classic 420386

Prezzo: $130 $136

Opzioni disponibili

Add strap 18mm.:

Orologio meccanico Vostok Amphibian Classic 420386. Vostok 2416 movimento automatico. Questo orologio ha sia un carica manuale che un carica automatica. Corona a vite (acciaio). Impermeabilità 20 atm (200 metri) - cioè può essere utilizzato per le immersioni. In un set: orologio, passaporto per un prodotto, confezione singola in plastica classica o confezione in cartone. Produzione della fabbrica di orologi Jist Chistopol Vostok (Russia). 1 anno di garanzia. Vita utile 10 anni. La cassa è realizzata in acciaio inossidabile di alta qualità.

fabbricante ЗАО Чистопольский Часовой Завод "ВОСТОК"
Garanzia 1 год, предоставляется заводом-изготовителем.
Larghezza cassa, mm 39
Spessore della cassa, mm 15
Lunghezza (dalle zampe alle zampe) mm. 46
alloggiamento Нержавеющая сталь
Bezel Нержавеющая сталь
Bicchiere Оргстекло, выпуклое
Impermeabile fino a: 200 м.
Cinghia Stainless steel bracelet
Larghezza di banda: 18
Meccanismo 2416
Carica automatica Есть
Carica manuale Есть
Numero di pietre 31
Precisione ad una temperatura di 20 ± 5 ° C -20 +60 сек/сут.
Power reserve (hours) 31 час
Tutta la vita 10 лет

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serramichel Acceso 29/04/2022
Based on 14 reviews.


Enfin une montre pour tous les jours.
Simple, solide à l'épreuve des balles ou presque...
Suki Acceso 11/12/2021
Based on 14 reviews.

Fits really nicely on my wrist and looks great.

Colour in the picture is off, the dial is a much darker and deeper green, more like the picture of the 420386s. The standard bracelet is also really cheap and you should order a new one when you buy the watch

Great watch, cant wait to take it swimming this summer
Gary Acceso 25/10/2021
Based on 14 reviews.

Looks fantastic
Unbelievable value
Lovely size

Stock bracelet

Beautiful and charming watch. The green dial is much darker in person than the stock photo. I was already aware of this, but anyone looking for a lighter dial be aware. The watch sits very nicely on the wrist. Make sure to buy a different bracelet/strap when you buy the watch. Ordered on the 6th October and arrived on the 25th after being warned it could take months. I would highly recommend both Vostok and Meranom!
Sim Acceso 14/07/2021
Based on 14 reviews.

When does this come back in stock?

text_answer No info.
Quentin, France Acceso 04/10/2020
Based on 14 reviews.

- Price-quality ratio is very good for a mechanical watch.
- In house movement and Made In Russia.
- The accuracy of the movement is unbelievable for the money : +4 or 5 sec per day.
- 200m water resist and screwed crown.
- Vintage scuba watch style.
- Proportion (39mm) and readability of the time on the dial.

- Poor quality of the strap. The Vostok 12$ mesh strap is better and better looking too.
- The movement don't have quick changing date. It could be boring setting the date.
- Bazel quality (don't have clicks locks).
- Acrylic glass is easy scratch.

A very good vintage Russian watch for the money.
The accuracy of the movement is close to some Swiss mechanical watch 10 times expansive.
Ken Acceso 22/02/2019
Based on 14 reviews.

Nice watch - the accuracy has been outstanding running about +5 seconds per day.
Less common
green face with the iconic "scuba dude" adds to the retro look. I changed the watch band out with black silicone one provided by Meranom and am quite happy with it. Recommended.
Burak Acceso 01/02/2018
Based on 14 reviews.

Strong mechanism, beautiful design

Poor quality strap. Just throw it
to trash

Perfect watch if you buy a quality bezel and strap
Stefan Stark Acceso 06/06/2017
Based on 14 reviews.

+ Fast shipping to Austria after payment with PayPal
+ competent and fast answers to questions via homepage contact form
+ my third vostok amphibia - still blown away!

- own 3 vostok amphibia (710 and 420 cases) and zero complaints!

Great watch with nice dark green dial. The green seems to shimmer in different coloures tones depending on the light. Watch wears smaller than the numbers made me expect. Changed the metal bracelet to nato straps in different coloures. Like this watch! My third vostok amphibia in 3 month because I love them! Changed the standard brass bezel to the green stainless steel bezel also supplied here - transforms the watch into a jewel!
Алексей Acceso 06/04/2017
Based on 14 reviews.

Подойдет ли к этим часам и к цвету циферблата безель Vostok Amphibia Green Bezel ?

text_answer Скорее всего, нет.
Nick, Germany Acceso 02/03/2017
Based on 14 reviews.

Great watch (the 420 case is my favourite), and the green dial really is nice.
I swapped the bracelet for a Tropic strap, which is very comfortable.
I also added Meranom's black bezel and this also makes a difference.
Service from Meranom as good as ever!
Алексей Acceso 29/11/2016
Based on 14 reviews.

На фото цвет циферблата вообще другой.На самом деле он на ярком свете играет перламутровым цветом.Цвет ближе к цвету травы.Мне повезло,часы идут точно.

Толькo браслет.(((

Наверное еще прикуплю одни.
Алексей Acceso 27/11/2016
Based on 14 reviews.

Часы неплохие.

Браслет гавно!Снимал звенья,два штифта так и не вышли хотя усилие было такое,что сломался специальный инструмент.Корпус часов поцарапал.Такие тупые браслеты я еще не видел.

Я не понимаю,почему завод Восток такую ерунду ставят что невозможно браслетом нормально пользоваться.

text_answer Завод ставит такие браслеты, потому что они не дорогие.
Это позволяет держать невысокую конкурентную цену на часы.
Можете купить у нас вот такой браслет:
Он качественный и надёжный.
Tim Acceso 05/07/2015
Based on 14 reviews.

Great watch and good time keeper. Changed the strap to shark steel & now perfect.
Степан Acceso 31/05/2013
Based on 14 reviews.

Отличные часы! Мне понравилось всё. Немногим отличается от тех, что на фото, но даже лучше. Метки круче, цифер гармоничнее.

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