Customer Testimonials

Vostok Amphibian 090
« Todo perfecto!!.Gracias!!.Un reloj fabuloso!!.

From Meranom: Thanks!»

Average Rating:

Spain/Ourense 09-07-2013
Best buy
« Должен признаться, по началу боялся что-либо заказывать через интернет из России. Слышал про всякие страшилки про почтовые пересылки. Но все же решил рискнуть. Заказал отличные часы. Судя по гарантии - все было оформлено в тот-же день. Отправка произошла на день позже. В итоге Чистополь-Будапешт 22 дня. Почти мировой рекорд. Заказать и оплатить элементарно. Я полностью доволен услугами магазина, обязательно буду всем рекомендовать.


От Meranom: Спасибо за отзыв.»

Average Rating:

Будапешт 09-07-2013
Amphibian Classic 420444s
« This is a welcome addition to the Amphibian range. The 'radio room operator' dial design is quirky and distinctive but it's still easy to tell the time. The stainless steel bezel is a great improvement over the usual chrome-plated brass version. The absence of a date window is of no importance to me but may be to other prospective purchasers. I liked the style so much I've since ordered model 110444s as well. They're limited edition watches (50 of each design) so could well become collector's items in future. The service from Meranom was faultless as always. Keep up the good work!

From Meranom: Thanks!»

Average Rating:

Liverpool, England 09-07-2013
« Payment went smoothly and e-mail communication was almost instant! The watch arrived in perfect condition and the seller even sent me an additional second hand with a lume dot free of charge upon my request. Unfortunately the delivery was slow, something I believe the seller can not influence. I would buy here again, but remember patience with Russian post.

From Meranom: Thanks!»

Average Rating:

Finland 09-07-2013
Vostok Ship Clock
« Dear sirs, Thank you for a wonderful service. The clock is everything I expected. David Miqueri, Argentina

From Meranom: Thanks!»

Average Rating:

David Miqueri
vostok amphibia 090
« Nice watch, very reliable. operate under extreme conditions


From Meranom: Thanks!»

Average Rating:

USA Houston 09-07-2013