Customer Testimonials

«I have received the Vostok Classica in good condition - in 1 and 1/2 months - and it looks gorgeous, a true classic. And the leather strap.... ah, it smells so good :p. Thank you!»
Average Rating:

Cluj-Napoca (ROU) 16-11-2020
«Watch parts arrived. Order perfect, fast delivery. Order placed 10/24, arrived 11/10. Great service. Thank you.»
Average Rating:

Seattle 11-11-2020
«My Komandirskie 811941 arrived safely after 3 months, everything is good and i like it very much. Thank you for supplying a great watch.»
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Mystery Bay 11-11-2020
«Great service as usual.»
Average Rating:

London 10-11-2020
«After 2 months my order Amphibian Classic model 120849 has arrived. It's the second Vostok Amphibia and I love it. I love all my Amphibia old and new.»
Average Rating:

Tirgu-Mures, Romania, Europe 10-11-2020
«New movement arrived with all work done, many thanks»
Average Rating:

«Just received my new watch. Neptune 960 758. Absolutely love it. It is my 4th vostok and have never been disappointed.»
Average Rating:

Toronto 06-11-2020
«Great Watch»
Average Rating:

Jeremy Rice
Campbell 02-11-2020
«Order ID: #131976. All arrived good service as always»
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London 31-10-2020
«I've just received my new Komandirskie 921307 watch. It looks and feels great, I'm very pleased. Great service! Хвала и сарађиваћемо опет!»
Average Rating:

Belgrade 30-10-2020
«Prezadovoljan. Svaka preporuka za kupovinu ovoga ali i bilo kog drugog sata..Stigao za mesec dana u Srbiju.Odlican model.Pravi ste profesionalci. Opet ce mo saradjivati.Br avo.»
Average Rating:

Beograd/Zemun 30-10-2020
«Even nicer in hand than in the photos. Very nicrly finished. Will make a wonderful Christmas present. Arived in a little over two weeks. Excellant.,»
Average Rating:

Seattle 29-10-2020
«No problems, it took three days to get the part I ordered and it had great fit and finish.»
Average Rating:

Golden Valley 28-10-2020
«I ordered the Neptune SE 960726 and paid for UPS SuperSaver and the watch was with me within a week. Great watch, great price and great service. Well done.»
Average Rating:

Miami 28-10-2020
«Today I received Vostok Classica 690B21. Very nice watch. Beautiful white dail and amazing blue hands. I am very satisfied and happy to finally have that wach.»
Average Rating:

Osijek 27-10-2020
«Got my package 23/10-20 and i just love those watches.»
Average Rating:

Rene Vilfred
Egernsund 25-10-2020
«Top Company sever al times ordered something here always delivered quickly parts look good quality top. and quick response to your questions.»
Average Rating:

Nijmegen /Nederland 25-10-2020
««Buyalov RR02 posted and arrived within 3 days to UK, UPS was super fast, hassle free and tracked. Genuinely pleased with the watch which feels absolute quality to wear and looks amazing.Thanks Dmitry and everyone at Meranom.»
Average Rating:

Newcastle Upon Tyne UK 23-10-2020
«These two beauties landed with me today, how beautiful they are. A Vostok Amphibia Neptune 960761 and a Vostok Retro 550930. Many thanks to Dmitry Buyalov and team Meranom. Thank you, thank you for the fast and smooth service as usual. As I said, they are so beautiful and good-looking.»
Average Rating:

Lars S.
Leksand, Sweden 23-10-2020
«Order ID: #130645 All good. Stunning watches.»
Average Rating:

London 16-10-2020